Got to play the WWdN game last night. I started off like a donkey, but survived to to make the first break looking ok in chips. Ended up 18th of 68 with no real suckouts or spectacular hands. At least I didn’t play like crap.
Then I sat in a $15+1 Turbo SnG. I have played the cheaper $6+.50 ones, but those are true crap shoots. This one is a bit better- it got to heads up and went back and forth for at least 30 hands (and seeing as it is a turbo, about 4 blind levels). I ended up winning it, which is a nice feeling.
This is a full week-plus of solid, cash positive, non-angry poker. Is that even possible for me?
The Mookie is tonight. Named after me no less. Come play, I’ll do my best not to be a total donkey.