0 comments on “A night at the mookies

  1. Hi there,

    I’d be interested in advertising on your blog, if you take that sort of thing.

    Would love to hear back from you, coach(at)poker-strategy.org


  2. Gillain does not stoop to advertising impudent mortal! That odious pseudo-comment will be punished forthwith!

    If you’re looking for a mid-level manager to run your evil empire Steve, you know where to find me.

    Thanks for stopping by (did you see your DQB Jacks screenshot?) and see ya next week at WWdN.

  3. Nice run last night…musta been lonely being the only Austinite at the final table.

    Good luck in your heads up match Saturday, I will try to stop in if I am around and semi-sober.

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