I ran 2.1 miles this morning. I actually felt pretty good. I am using Podrunner for tempo and so far it seems to work. Recommended by this fat guy trying to get back into it again. For whatever that is worth. Speaking of which- I am looking for a good way to carry my nano while running. I have a generic armband with a neoprene cover, but is slips off my t-shirt, down my arm, and digs into my elbow joint. Is the actual Apple one good? Is there another brand recomended? I might actually want some sort of belt based one so I can put it in the small of my back. I don’t usually need to control it once I start.
Fixed my WordPress blog- or at least the ShortStat plugin, which was not recording stats. If you are using the 1.3 version of that plugin on WordPress 2.0 you will probably need this fix, let me know and I will send you a patch (it is really simple).
I signed up for the next 45 Person SnG Challange. It is being run by Drewspop. Let him know if you are interested in playing. I am going on vacation in early August, but I should be able to bang out 15 SnGs in a month. Should be interesting as I am also working on my single table SnG game. I will probably keep to the low levels because I am not sure my bankroll can it. *That* is confidence, isn’t it?
I have the Apple armband for the Nano and it works well, but I don’t run with it. You can try mine out once…